253WC: Certificate
Certificate of Completion
With a parent’s permission, kids can download this Online Certificate of Completion Certificate for completing all of the challenging activities in 253: Safetypup®‘s Drug-Free & Safety-Sure Kids™ Magazine. Edit the form fields in the PDF to add names and date before printing.
You can personalize, save to your device, or send directly to your printer. Before printing you can personalize the certificate by clicking or tapping in the fields to add name, day, month, etc. You can also print “plain” to fill in by hand.
NCSC FREE Downloads may be duplicated in reasonable quantities for educational purposes only.
Safetypup®‘s Drug-Free & Safety-Sure Kids®
Companion Materials
226: You’ve Only Got One Body
24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"Say 'NO' to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs!Children will learn about the dangers of abusing tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Subjects such as peer pressure, decision making, self-esteem, and choosing good friends are...
231: You’ve Only Got One Body
24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"Say 'NO' to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs!Children gain further knowledge of poison safety, medicine safety, and how tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs damage their bodies. Practical ways to resist pressures to use alcohol...
253: Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Magazine
8-page Activity Book Measures: 8½" x 11"Safetypup®'s Drug-Free & Safety-Sure Kids® MagazineTruth & Consequences - Making Good Choices About Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Safetypup®'s Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Magazine combines the best of our...
253W: Safety Leader Kit
Safety Leader Membership KitWith a parent's permission, kids can download a free Membership Kit that includes a Safety Leader membership Card and a Safety Leader Promise activity. There are also tips on ways kids can be Safety Leaders by setting a good example for...