24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11″ x 8½”

Let’s All Get Along

For Pre-School to 2nd Grade

An easy and effective way for parents/caregivers to help young children understand bullying and what they can do to deal with it. Simple story format for easy reading and discussion. Includes introduction with questions & instructional points to discuss.

Audio Narration

“Bullying is Wrong!” now features a QR (Quick Response) Code; a black digital square on the front cover. Law Enforcement Officers, teachers, parents/adults, and kids can click on the QR Code with a phone or tablet QR reader to hear the story. An audio file appears on your screen and you play it just like any audio file, over and over again.

You can hear the story told by Safetypup® and other characters in the book. This “support reading” is not only fun to listen to but helps kids who struggle with reading. These kids often lose the point of a story because they are concentrating on reading individual words. By listening to the book as they read along, the barrier of the printed word is eliminated making learning possible. Listening to the story while reading along encourages a deeper learning experience for all kids including children with reading disabilities.