NCSC Safety Educational Materials

Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.

All materials matching "Upper Elementary"
010: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6)

010: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6)

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"“Safetypup®’s Safety Adventure”Ahoy, matey! Join Safetypup® and his friends as they set a course for a safety adventure. This manual “drops anchor” at many “ports-of-call” with vital safety information about a wide range of...

033: 2024-25 (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6) Manual

033: 2024-25 (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6) Manual

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 8½” x 11"Can you answer the following riddle?This spine-tingling place makes learning about safety fun. Get a grip on puzzles, games, and rides. You’ll find these all inside. It’s Safety Town, U.S.A.! We invite you to spend a day at our...

058: Listen to Yourself

058: Listen to Yourself

24-page Mini Book Measures: 4¼" x 5½"A Guide to Peer Pressure & Safe ChoicesListen to Yourself - Not the Gang There is no way to know when, but some day someone will ask kids if they want to try something unsafe such as tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs -- or ask...

067: Play it Safe!

067: Play it Safe!

24-page Mini Book Measures: 4¼" x 5½"At the Playground, Park, Home, or School, Always Follow the Safety RulesOlder children need to be reminded about the rules of safe play too! Kids team up with Safetypup® to learn the rules for safe playing in and around playground...

108: Hey, Kids! Beware & Be Aware

108: Hey, Kids! Beware & Be Aware

NEW LOOK FOR 2024! 3-Fold Brochure Measures: 3¾” x 8½”Uh, oh! Would you know what to do? Learning to identify and protect yourself from dangerous persons is a skill that every child should know. This folder contains vital protection information about child abduction...

113: What If A Stranger…?

113: What If A Stranger…?

24-page Mini Book Measures: 4¼" x 5 ½"A Role-Playing Book About Dangerous LuresWould you know what to do? This book uses a role-playing format to teach about dangerous lures that strangers or others may use on children. It is a wonderful tool for trusted adults &...

115: Home on Your Own

115: Home on Your Own

2-Fold Brochure Measures: 8½" x 5½"Never Let Anyone Know at the Door, on the Phone, or on the Internet That You are Home AloneLots of kids stay home alone for a few hours before or after school or on the weekends. They enjoy the responsibility because they are ready...

125: Before You Post – THINK

125: Before You Post – THINK

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½" x 8½"Be Responsible, Respectful, & Safe Online and GamingA sheetlet with valuable information for kids about being responsible while using social media and gaming which will help protect themselves and others. Before You Post –...

126: Online Threats are WRONG

126: Online Threats are WRONG

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½”Online Threats are WRONGUnfortunately, online threats are common. The majority of young people online have had a least one cyber threat. This sheetlet explains what online threats are, the consequences for making online threats,...

183: Tornado Tips

183: Tornado Tips

3-Fold Brochure Measures: 3¾" x 8½"Helps Kids Learn About Tornadoes and How to be PreparedA tornado is one of nature's most violent storms. This brochure contains important tips on how to understand tornadoes and form a plan to weather these dangerous storms as safely...

231: You’ve Only Got One Body

231: You’ve Only Got One Body

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"Say 'NO' to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs!Children gain further knowledge of poison safety, medicine safety, and how tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs damage their bodies. Practical ways to resist pressures to use alcohol...

236: Drugs are Dangerous!

236: Drugs are Dangerous!

4-Page Booklet Measures: 11" x 8½"A Guide to Gateway DrugsAlcohol, Tobacco, Inhalants, and Marijuana are called 'Gateway Drugs' This guide to Gateway Drugs is presented in a condensed format with chalkboard doodles and bright colors to grab kids’ attention. Additions...

254: Why Risk It?

254: Why Risk It?

20 page Comic Book Measures: 6½" x 10½"Not All Kids Do Drugs! Why Risk it? Know the ConsequencesWhy Risk It? is a mix of cartoons and real photos featuring Safetypup®. This comic book stresses that not all kids use drugs and it concentrates on the consequences of drug...

263: Fentanyl

263: Fentanyl

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½” Understand the Dangers of Fentanyl sheetlet with valuable information for kids about the dangers of fentanyl which will help protect themselves and others. This sheetlet helps explain information they may have heard online or...

320: Alcohol

320: Alcohol

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½” Understand the Dangers of Alcohol A sheetlet with valuable information for kids about the dangers of alcohol which will help protect themselves and others. This sheetlet helps explain dangerous alcohol related habits such as...

321: Vaping Cannabis

321: Vaping Cannabis

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½” Understand the Dangers of Vaping Cannabis A sheetlet with valuable information for kids about the dangers of vaping cannabis which will help protect themselves and others. This sheetlet helps explain that vaping cannabis can be...

322: Vaping is Smoking!

322: Vaping is Smoking!

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½” Understand the Dangers of Vaping A sheetlet with valuable information for kids about the dangers of vaping  which will help protect themselves and others. This sheetlet helps explain that vaping is not harmless because most...

869: Dealing with Bullies

869: Dealing with Bullies

Bookmark Measures: 2" x 5½"Compliments Other Bully Materials NCSC OffersThe 'Dealing with Bullies" bookmark contains tips which help children gain a better understanding of bullying and to build a stronger foundation when dealing with bullies. Encourages children to...

873: Dealing with Bullies

873: Dealing with Bullies

24-page Mini Book Measures: 4¼" x 5 ½"Would You Know What to Do?The 'Dealing with Bullies' mini book helps children gain a better understanding of bullying and to build a stronger foundation when dealing with bullies. Encourages children to make good social choices...

878: Sexting is NOT SMART

878: Sexting is NOT SMART

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½”Sexting is sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit or suggestive messages, images, or videos, on a smartphone, computer, or other device. Recent statistics estimate that 19.3% of teens have sent a sext, 34.8% of teens...