Color Me Safe
Color Me Safe with Safetypup® and the Careful Critter Club®
Most kids love to color and Safetypup®‘s Color Me Safe App makes it easy and fun. You can color Safetypup® and The Careful Critter Club®, Cariboo, Coati, Kitty, and Koala.
After your masterpiece is completed you can snap a picture and download it to share with your friends or print and share. Printing the black & white version allows you to color by hand. What a great way for kids to get to know Safetypup® and his motto: “Stay Safe and Sound and I’ll See You Around.®“
How to Play:
- Tap the “Play Now” button.
- Press the “Tap to choose colorsheet” button and select one of the 5 colorsheet choices.
- Tap the crayon color and then tap the image to fill in the color.
- When finished, press the “Snapshot” button and then download to save.
- Press “Reset Colors” button to color it again or the “Color Me” button to preview our colors.
Compatible for most Desktop Computers, Tablets, and Mobile Phones.