All materials matching "Cyberbullies"

Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.

123: Online IQ

123: Online IQ

6-Fold Folder Measures: 3¾" x 8½" Folded | 11" x 17" FlatOnline IQ – Are You Smart Online?Quizzes Can Make Learning Fun! "Online IQ" for teens presents vital information about Online Safety and common health risks in at least a dozen different ways such as checklists,...

124: Internet Safety

124: Internet Safety

24-page Mini Book Measures: 4¼" x 5 ½"Computers · Tablets · PhonesSafetypup® and his friends help explain all aspects of this technology including Internet safety, texting, social media, cyberbullying, and more.

125: Before You Post – THINK

125: Before You Post – THINK

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½" x 8½"Be Responsible, Respectful, & Safe Online and GamingA sheetlet with valuable information for kids about being responsible while using social media and gaming which will help protect themselves and others. Before You Post –...

876: Cyberbullies

876: Cyberbullies

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½" x 8½"What is Cyberbullying?This sheetlet provides teens with an understanding of what cyberbullies are and tips on how to stop cyberbullying.