NOTE: This publication is designed to present information but is not intended as a comprehensive professional babysitting or medical course. Children may want to learn other life saving techniques such as CPR through local groups or programs.Information Sheet...
All materials matching "Emergency Skills"
Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.
065: Emergency Dial 9-1-1
24-page MiniBook Measures: 4¼" x 5½"Would You Know What to Do?Safetypup® explains how and why to dial 9-1-1 in a kid friendly story format. The 9-1-1 Mini Book has a new look featuring Safetypup® outside of a law enforcement department suggesting that everyone should...