All materials matching "Safety Leaders"

Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.

007: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 7-9, Grades 2-3)

007: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 7-9, Grades 2-3)

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"“Safetypup®’s Safety Adventure” Ahoy, matey! Join Safetypup® and his friends as they set a course for a safety adventure. This manual “drops anchor” at many “ports-of-call” with vital safety information about a wide range of...

010: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6)

010: 2023-24 Official Child Safety Manual (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6)

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"“Safetypup®’s Safety Adventure”Ahoy, matey! Join Safetypup® and his friends as they set a course for a safety adventure. This manual “drops anchor” at many “ports-of-call” with vital safety information about a wide range of...

030: 2024-25 (Ages 7-9, Grades 2-3) Manual

030: 2024-25 (Ages 7-9, Grades 2-3) Manual

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 8½″ x 11”Hey, Safety Thrill-seekers!Are you ready to plunge into this action-packed safety manual? Join Safetypup® and his friends as they spend the day at the Safety Town, U.S.A., Theme Park. Get a trip on safety while riding...

033: 2024-25 (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6) Manual

033: 2024-25 (Ages 9-12, Grades 4-6) Manual

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 8½” x 11"Can you answer the following riddle?This spine-tingling place makes learning about safety fun. Get a grip on puzzles, games, and rides. You’ll find these all inside. It’s Safety Town, U.S.A.! We invite you to spend a day at our...

201: Becky’s Book

201: Becky’s Book

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"About Drugs & Good HealthThis book, featuring Safetypup® and Becky® the giraffe, explains the proper place for drugs and medicines in children’s lives. Becky®’s Book also emphasizes the importance of being kind and making...

226: You’ve Only Got One Body

226: You’ve Only Got One Body

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"Say 'NO' to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs!Children will learn about the dangers of abusing tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Subjects such as peer pressure, decision making, self-esteem, and choosing good friends are...

231: You’ve Only Got One Body

231: You’ve Only Got One Body

24-page Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"Say 'NO' to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs!Children gain further knowledge of poison safety, medicine safety, and how tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs damage their bodies. Practical ways to resist pressures to use alcohol...

252W: Drug-Free QUIZ Masters

252W: Drug-Free QUIZ Masters

Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Pre-test/Post-test QUIZ MastersThe Pre-Tests & Post-Tests can be used to help measure the children's retention of each program objective in Safetypup®'s Drug-Free and Safety-Sure Kids® Jr. Magazine. There is a Pre-Test/Post-Test for each...

253: Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Magazine

253: Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Magazine

8-page Activity Book Measures: 8½" x 11"Safetypup®'s Drug-Free & Safety-Sure Kids® MagazineTruth & Consequences - Making Good Choices About Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Safetypup®'s Drug-Free & Safety Sure Kids® Magazine combines the best of our...

253W: Safety Leader Kit

253W: Safety Leader Kit

Safety Leader Membership KitWith a parent's permission, kids can download a free Membership Kit that includes a Safety Leader membership Card and a Safety Leader Promise activity. There are also tips on ways kids can be Safety Leaders by setting a good example for...