Information Sheet Measures: 8½” x 11″ Nicotine · JUULing · Unexpected Hazards This information sheet alerts the general public about the increased use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices. Adults/parents may not even be aware that many teens may secretly be using these...
All materials matching "Vaping is NOT Harmless"
Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.
322: Vaping is Smoking!
Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½” x 8½” Understand the Dangers of Vaping A sheetlet with valuable information for kids about the dangers of vaping which will help protect themselves and others. This sheetlet helps explain that vaping is not harmless because most...