All materials matching "What Can You Do?"

Law enforcement departments across the U.S. provide NCSC safety educational materials and programs free of charge to the citizens of their community. If your local police or sheriff department doesn’t currently provide our materials, encourage them to visit and contact us to learn how they can partner with National Child Safety Council.

886: Is our school safe?

886: Is our school safe?

Full-Color Sheetlet Measures: 3½" x 8½"School Violence SheetletThis material outlines common sense tips schools can consider to help prevent violence. No plan will make a school immune to violence, however having a Violence Prevention and Response Plan reduces the...

887: Understanding School Violence

887: Understanding School Violence

Foldable Brochure Measures: 5 ½" x 4¼" Folded | 5 ½" x 17" UnfoldedWhat Can You Do?This material outlines common sense tips schools can follow to help prevent violence. No plan will make a school immune to violence, however having a Violence Prevention and Response...